CISC 2000: The gfilt Front End

"STLFilt simplifies and/or reformats long-winded C++ error and warning messages, with a focus on STL-related diagnostics." (from the author's web page).

We have installed gfilt, which is the version of STFilt that is oriented towards the GNU/Linux C++ compiler. Rather than talk about it at length, I'll simply show you what a nice job it does. Given a file that uses an auxilliary file Widget.h, take a look at the following:

The latter is much easier to understand, yes?

If you're using the make utility to manage a project and you would like to use gfilt, the simplest thing to do is to add the line

near the top of the Makefile. If the Makefile needs to refer to the C++ compiler, it should use "$(CXX)", rather than "g++" for this task. Once you're done with your project and you want to use g++ (the usual C++ compiler), you can simply comment out the definition of CXX:
      # CXX=gfilt

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Last modified: Thu Aug 15 12:31:38 2013