CISC 2000/2010: Mission Statement

CISC 2000/2010 is a second-tier programming course, using the C++ programming language. The prerequisite is CISC 1600/1610 (Computer Science~I and Lab). We assume that the students know how to build programs on a Unix system, and that they have had some experience writing C++ programs. This experience should include a familiarity with the basic control structures of C++, the use of functions, and simple class construction. CISC 2000/2010 builds upon this earlier experience. We will use computer graphics as a vehicle for learning about object oriented programming in C++, including inheritance and polymorphism. In addition, we will spend a good amount of time exploring the C++ Standard Template Library.

We will cover a lot of material this semester. This course will involve a great deal of work. The learning curve is admittedly steep, but this means that you'll be learning a lot quickly.

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Last modified: Wed Jan 13 08:55:50 2010