CISC 1400: Discrete Structures

General information

Faculty: Dr. A. G. Werschulz

Office: Rm 610D.

Phone: (212) 636-6325

Office Hours: Mondays through Thursdays, noon to 1:00 pm, or by appointment.

Class meetings: Mondays through Thursdays, 1:00-4:00 p.m., in Room 506.

Class email list: discrete STRUDEL (STRUDEL is a thinly-disguised @, to thwart the amount of spam that your instructor receives in his guise of list manager). This can be used for both announcements and discussion.


Lyons et al., Fundamentals of Discrete Structures (Second Edition, 2012). This book has a (currently rudimentary) website. You'll probably be most interested in the errata sheet contained therein.

Course Outline (Topical):



Learning is an interactive process that begins in the class room, continues at home, and picks up back in the classroom. Attendance is necessary to accomplish the objectives of this course. Over the summer this is of even greater importance, since there are only fifteen class meetings. You are limited to four excused absences. Additional absences or unexcused absences will result in a marked decrease in your final grade.



There will be homework assigned nearly every day, which will be posted on the class website. Homework will be due at the next class session. I will mightily endeavor to return the graded homework sets at the next class session after that one.

Computer Project

We will be working on a somewhat large multi-part project during the course, dealing with web development. No prior knowledge is expected but you may well need to spend your own time on this project in addition to any in-class time that I provide. This requires that you have access to a computer and the Internet during these times. If you do not there are several places on campus that are suitable to complete this work. Please speak with me if you think there will be a problem.


Failure to complete computer projects by deadlines set by the instructor can and will cause a reduction to the individual's final grade.

Additional Remarks

Send mail to agw STRUDEL

Last modified: Wed Jun 26 12:01:03 2019